LMF: I once had both placed on the parts counter in front of me to let me be the judge. These were for my Super A. The old type presure plate had 3 springs and the Rockford had 6 springs. I could actually depress the plate of the old type, but it will take more strength than my hands to do that with the Rockford. I can remember the day when there were new tractors, some having each type. I'm not sure I'd call the Rockford jumpy, however they were noticably stiffer and quicker than the old type, and did take a bit of getting used to. The Rockford came about as farmers started buying loaders. IH had a reputation for poor clutches especially on loader work. Our first loader tractor was a 51 H with a 31 loader. Those first 5 years it was the only farm loader in the neighborhood, thus dad was always loading 5-6 spreaders. They went from farm to farm, it even required spare manure spreaders. The H clutch was shot in 2-3 years, and dad was a bit upset. I remember being with him and dealer partsman advised him of the new Rockford clutch, probably about mid 1953. Yes, I will agree the Rockford is a bit jumpy, takes more leg mussel, however it is a much improved clutch. I find it hard to imagine anyone would still have the old type clutch even to compare. I know my dealer hasn't even stocked anything but Rockford in a IH clutch since about 1965-1970.