Paul: I doubt that would bother Bob a whole lot. I expect he chose the week to coinside with 2-3 tractor shows in the area. He seemed to be saying in his recent e mail last week, he wouldn't be checking in on us. That may be an asumption on my part, he may well be watching everything we say.Given Bob's usual summer routine and his frequency of attending shows, he probably took steps to insure he wouldn't suffer withdrawal without YT. My guess is at least one show will find the Melville's in attendance. Having said all this, and the fact Gary Richmond assured me I was half way to his place on a recent visit to Indiana. There are pit stops for trailers and Hs along the way. If and when you get here, I will help you chase Bob down. Bear in mind he may well be back in Rochester by the time we catch up with him. That said, at least you could say you circum-navigated Lake Erie. If you do this, bring Jimmy along, he may be a bit sore for long days in transit, heck all the more reason he should be taking a vacation. Let me assure you Bob and I can also cook a steer. Well maybe it would fall in the hands of Marg. and Glenda. I don't know much about Bob's cooking ability, personally I boil water quite well. However, rest assured these ladies have the cooking ability to make a baseball bat gain weight.