Al L. in Wisc.
08-02-2007 13:48:21
Re: value of tractorS'-- in reply to Cynthia, 08-02-2007 13:02:28
Cynthia, if you look on the left side of this site, under the 'Research & Info' area, you can find data by clicking on the 'Tractor Values' and 'List Prices' links. A lot of folks will be replying also. Another source of information, scroll to the top of this page and in the grey banner, click on the Ford 9N,2N,8N link and there is another discussion board devoted strickly for these Ford tractors as so many were produced. I was the second owner of a '47 2N, and while it was a 'cute little tractor' and was designed as a good plow tractor, the N-series didn't have independent power takeoff [ipto], was light on the front end and your model has the distributor/coil located behind the fan/radiator making for difficult engine tuning, although that isn't something you do everyday. A 'feller' who lives up in Canada is very knowledgeable about 'offset Farmalls, i.e. A, Super A and your B, etc. He is full of it, smarts that is, and can expound on the virtues of these types of tractors if you are looking for one. For more pictures, I have gone to the left side of this page again, under 'Galleries', I clicked on 'Tractor Photos' [blue link] once there, I clicked the 'Search' link, on the new page I typed in 'Farmall B' and you are presented w/many photos to click and view, the link is below. Other folks far more knowledgeable than I will chime in to help you out, great folks here and welcome! Just keep us posted.