Rob: Looks like you bought it from Larry Jones at Mt. Olivet, KY. I recognize his little field. I have bought three from him. Don't mean to scare you, but they were not quite as described, but fairly close - sort of. Don't be surprised if yours needs more than you were told. Example, the last one I bought, he said "This is nicest super A I've seen in a long time". I spoke with him and he said it needed NOTHING. Well, first, I started with having to buy $210 worth of new rear rims, plus mounting fees, as the ones on it were rusted through. (I had specifically asked him about the rims.) And, the "perfect sheet metal except for one small dent" is not-so-perfect. Maybe he had inspected it at midnight without a flash light. It is a good above average super A, just not quite as pristine as described. The other two - which I purchased earlier and together - did not even come nearly as close to measuring up to his descriptions. (When buying the last one, I thought I knew more about what questions to ask from the experience of buying the first two from him.) His buddy, Dean Hinton, does most of Larry's hauling. Dean brought the first two I bought together, to Florida. Dean sells the little farmalls also. Now, I have never seen anyone describe a farmall any more accurately and honestly than Dean. I might buy from Larry again, but not without seeing the tractor in person before purchasing it. mike