Hal: The data folks of the past 25 years don't get it all right. Now, I agree most of them do invite corrections, CH Wendel did it, Guy Fay did it, so did YT. It's a lot of info to compile, thus I understand mistakes were inevitable. I realize Wendel or Fay aren't going to come and change my book, however online mags could change their mistakes with the click of a mouse and a bit of typing. I've studied this relationship between tractor and engine serial numbers on SA, SC, 100, 200, 130, 230, 140 and 240. I don't have it solved yet. A spread started to develop in SA after serial number 310300. It gradually increased. An old IH parts man was able to tell me the situation with 100, 200, 130, 230, 140 and 240. Here are the numbers on my tractors, and I know all engines are original. SA tractor 336977 engine 338597, 130 tractor 9313 engine 56651 and 140 tractor 22157 engine 102230. Looking at differential on my 130, and total production numbers of 100, 200, 130 and 230, C-123 engine number 501 must have been in a Super A1 (one). My Super A is not off by enough that this was going on between SA and SC. I would like to get to the bottom of this, thus if anyone has one of these tractors and is positive engine is original, I'd like to have both numbers from their tractor. If I had volume, it can be solved. My gut feeling in the case of SA after serial number 310300, is combine, swather or stationary engines. I'd like SA and SC numbers, particularly 1954 models. My e mail is open, and I have the time to solve this, just need some more info.