Those two holes have bottoms and don't open into the tranny. Sounds like you're over-full with sludge and/or water in there. The main drain is on the side of your tranny, at the right rear corner, behind the differential housing. If you have a belt pulley/PTO there is also a small square-head drain just above and to the right of the PTO shaft that should be drained, too. I'd recommend draining first. Then open up the level plug (another square head at the left front corner of the tranny, on the side and probably partially blocked by your brake rod).REPLACE YOUR DRAIN PLUGS and refill the tranny thorugh the plug to the left of your shifter until you get oil running from the level hole. Shold be 4-1/2 or 5 quarts, depending on which IH pub you read. If you have the pulley/PTO fill that up, too. Should take another half quart or so befoe that starts running out the same level plug. IF all this uses significantly less oil than recommended to fill back up, there's a good chance you've got significant sludge going in there, too. If that's the case the choices are to run it as is and change it our more frequently and hope the newer oil will loosen up and suspend the sludge. If it were mine, I'd drain a quart or so of the new oil out and top it off with kerosene, and run that a while before changing it out. Worst case is open up the top of the tranny and scoop out all you can.