Outstanding! Sorry we got cut off. I hit a dead spot on the cell, and I was almost to the UPS pickup. Anyway they're on their way, scheduled for a.m. delivery tomorrow. Just so's ya know, I had to sell my soul to the devil for them. Rode with a neighbor last night who was on another errand, and ran into this old guy (I'd met him before) who used to run several hundred traps for a livin'. He's retired but still tends 15 or 20 traps as part of his program of stayin' active. He was lamentin' about how the wind was so bad yesterday that he couldn't get to them with his little aluminum boat with the little Evinrude on the back, was gonna try again this mornin'. So, sez I, in a fit of inspiration, if you come up with three or four pound-and-a-quarter, pound-and-a-half, I'll speak for 'em. He called up about two today to say he had three. I'm confident you can follow these numbers ;8^) I went up to get them. When I show up he's got the carb off his JD 420. He was tellin' last night that the tractor wasn't runnin' right, and showed us this piece that his son found layin' around in the inlet of the carb. So I get there and he's got the carb and gasket layin' on the tailgate of his truck with this part. The neighbor and I had speculated last night, lookin' at the wear spots on it, that it looked like it might relate to the float. Opened up the bowl -- nothing in there that this thing would fit, and why would it have wound up in the inlet anyway? Take another look, and there's a slot in the choke plate that this thing fell out of. Upshot -- the price of three lobsters is fixin' an old M-S carb on a green tractor. Seems like a fair trade to me. The critters came out of the water about noon today, and they're packed in wet newspaper with a couple of ice-packs in the box. Toss 'em in the veggy crisper in the fridge when they get there, and they should be just ripe for steamin' at supper time. Enjoy!