For anyone who read my previous posts, I have some better information. Recap - I own a "53 super H, number 540J. Engine has no c-164 cast into the block. Cast into the block above the filter housing is the following - 6695 DE. (am told this is the cast code for the 152 block) Below that, also cast is 2-BE. (not sure what that is) Serial # prefix is IBHM. The "I" looks like an afterthought, or separate stamp. Here"s the better info. I can now see that the date code is 9-9-M. I previously thought it to have an x code. If I"m correct, the M makes it a "43. There is olive green paint under the yellow, which is under the red!!! Question is this - could it be a war year power unit? I"m sure it"s been rebuilt at some point - runs too clean. Can you make a 152 into a 164? Originally more than just a bigger bore in the supers, no? Crankshaft, bearings, etc... I guess I won"t know unless I open it. Just can"t see why someone would put a 152 block into a super H. Why not rebuild the 164? Unless the block was shot, then it"s availability I guess.