Daniel Bear Kel
09-17-2007 11:58:42
Nice short article posted today on Women and Tractors. I have a story along those lines. . It was summer in Dallas. Close to 100% humidity and 100 degrees. I was working for an engineering company that wanted ties and coats on all their engineers. (Ugh!) So, I get home from work one day, and my wife has the Oldsmobile up on ramps, and she was underneath. Soaked in sweat and covered in grease, she climbed out from under, and screamed at me, "Get that *$#%&*$ starter outta there!" . She had done everything right. The battery was disconnected. No wires were left hanging on the starter. Both the bolts were out. The only things holding the starter in were the frame on one side, the wheel well on another, the block and mainfold on another and the firewall at the back. I knew from experience that there was only one way to get that starter out: turn it straight vertical. . I did not want to kneel down in the dirt, and I didn't want to mess up my work shirt. So, after she screamed, "Get that *%$&^* starter out of there," I reached up underneath, while leaning on the fender, flipped the starter to the vertical, pulled it out and offered it to her. Took about 10 seconds. . Big mistake!!! Her eyes lit with fire! She clamped her mouth shut and stomped on into the house. Turns out, she had been fighting the stupid thing for over an hour. She was hot, sweaty and exhausted. Her arms ached from reaching up for so long. And here, I hand her the starter without effort in about 10 seconds. . She didn't speak to me for an hour. I'll tell you this though, I am so grateful that I am married to a woman who is not afraid of wrenches!