Hendrik: I got your e mail, just been rather busy lately. You may notice I haven't been around YT much. Who ever dreamed it would be this way, turned 65 about a month ago, now I don't seem to have as much time for the things I like doing. You've forgotten one item, while the 100 looks very nice, probably not a bad price for someone nearby, however that puddle between us does have a cost. The main item however, I'm a full blooded Scot as far back as I can trace my heritage. Tony H accused me the other day of being a tight wad, rather stingey with my money. I told him I can't help it, Was born a Scot and since moving to Ontario, I have been hanging out with mainly Dutchmen. He conceeded I do have a problem. Tony and I have an ongoing debate on whether which of Scotsmen or Dutchmen are the biggest tight wads. He once told me, a Dutchman was the only person who could buy from a Scotsman and sell to a Jew and make money. That was about the time you bought the PTO shield from me. I pointed out to him the shield was out of some items I bought from an Italian near Toronto, and I did make a bit of money, not much just a bit selling to a Dutchman in Holland. With that he was quick with an attempt to point out all Dutchmen in Holland have big money, it was only the poor folks made it to North America. I responded, " So your telling me all those first generation Dutch immigrants, now in their 70s and 80s, living in 4,000 sq ft brick mansions and driving American built Cadilacs, and US snowbirds to boot, are indeed the Dutch poor folks." Couldn't resist that one Hendrik, no doubt I will hear it from Tony. In the end we will both have a laugh, and that is the one good thing about being a Scotsman or Dutchman, the ability to laugh at one's own shortcomings. Not a lot of folks share that ability around this globe.