Dave: I think this depends on what you want out of YT. if your mainly interested in what's hot and popular, I think modern is the way to go. Myself I come here to learn and quite often I learn as much from the thread that has one responce as the thread with a dozen responces. I also come here to help where I can. I'm not a mechanic or an engineer, just an old farmer that used a dozen different Farmalls, and If I've had your problem over the years, I can do a decent job getting you going. I even like to search out the threads with no responce, find out why the guy got no responce. In all cases, if I can't help, usually I can direct him in the right direction for help. For those reasons, I'll stick with classic. CNKS made a good point, I have been around here since 1999, he was here when I came, don't know how long before myself. Kim has made vast improvments. There are other forums, I'm betting it will be a long time before they replace Kim and family at top of the pack. That is exactly where she is at. Oh, buy the way Kim, your not perfect yet. I know you will strive for that.