"and all the parts" makes for a pretty tall order there, Pat! Is the mower a Model 21? That is, does it have two upright brackets at he front of the frame, with a notch cut into the curve at the top of the uprights? Does anybody know if this mower's been mounted to that tractor before? The only pictures I have of mine wouldn't show any detail that would be useful to you, I'm afraid. There's a lot of parts on one of those, and a fair number of adjustments to make them run right. Not hard to make they just have to be right. Binder sells a reprint of the manual for the A-21 and C-21, that's exeptionally good, Has assembly, operation and maintenance instructions all in one small book AND a parts list! It's a bargain, and I'd recommend it. If it is a 21, it mounts up using two axle clamps, that bite onto the notches on the rear axle. Not centered, but offset to the right, by moving the clamps to the right-hand notch on each axle. Those clamps are critical. Not always easy to find if you don't have them, but they are out there. Lifting the bar is accomplished by connecting the lift crank to one of the lift cranks on the left side of the tractor. The original connection seems, from the book, to have been a rod. The rod is gone on mine and is connected with a cable. It would make for a good project, if you can get it on and running. If somebody else can come up with some pictures to get you started and/or you can get that book, I'll be happy to share whatever experience I have that would be useful to you.