Sunday night I reached a major milestone on the total restoration of my 450. I rejoined the frame so it is now sitting on its wheels again after 10 months of steady evening & weekend work. Except for the crankshaft, pistons, and camshaft (engine was rebuilt before I bought it), every single other part on this tractor has been removed, cleaned, replaced as necessary, and painted. The dolly was made by my brother to fit his H, but I modified it so it is adjustable to fit the wider 450 frame. My goal is to have it ready for our club's show in April, but I've got a lot of work to do before then (sheet metal painting). Being a perfectionist has taken its toll on my wallet (don't ask how much) and my discretionary time. Good thing I don't do this but once every five years or so. To anyone out there in the thick of restoring, stick with it and don't get discouraged. Try and do something on the project every week. Please email me with any questions as I enjoy sharing what I've learned with others. Bob