Rodney, Sounds more like a Voltage Regulator then a generator problem to me. If all esle is correct n working if you dead ground the gennys FLD post that forces her into high max charge so perhaps the wire from the gennys FLD post to the FLD terminal on the VR is shorted to ground,,,,, ,,,,or the VR is bad like an internal short or the field current control relay is stuck permanent in high charge n not chattering n controlling. Maybe it has a contact thats stuck/burned/welded shut??? See what happens if you remove the wire on the gennys FLD post?? That should make her charge very weak if any but if she still high charges that way, Id suspect the end of the field winding internally near the Field post is shorted to case. If its NOT any VR or wiring problem like any of the above and is indeed the genny itself THEN I SUSPECT THE FLD POST STUD/NUT WAS OVERTIGHTENED AND BROKE THE INSULATOR WHEREBY THE FLD IS ALWAYS DEAD GROUNDED N SHES ALWAYS MAX CHARGING BETTER CHECK THAT OUT !!!!! !!!!! ! Let us know what you find PS Im assuming youre measuring battery voltage cuz the open unloaded genny output dont really tell you all that much, its what it does when coupled up to a batery that matters. Im a lil confused about you say the ammeter isnt showing charge yet the voltage (at battery???) is so high cuz the ammeter must not be workign or isnt wired right. If she really max charging the ammeetr ought to be indicating current flow into the battery, so insure its wired right n working and where youre taking those high readings cuz if its different then my assumptions above WE GOTTA RECONSIDER MY DIAGNOSIS John T