High Octane
11-25-2007 06:14:54
Re: High oil pressure in reply to WonderingAl, 11-24-2007 21:44:16
If it has live hyd,,, Id be checking the cam gear. They do come loose and can slap the timing cover, bust off a tooth, and sound like a rod knocking. Also, pull the valve cover, and the lifter pan, pull the lifters out, make sure they are good, might have one that has a nick/bad spot, and can make some noise. Could be oil pump gear, could be a piston hitting the head,, say they put a new overhaul kit in it,, from a 450,,, if the SM had the old style head, with the new style pistons,, (from a 400-450) the domes will hit the older heads. The 400-450 domes are wider than the M-SM pistons with the older gas heads,,, Also, could be the little part, that holds the lifters from falling out,,, it could have been bent, or put on backwards and slap the lifters,,, High oil pressure,,, best to check the relifef valve inside the pump,, see if the piston, spring and ball is freely moving, could be sticking and shoot the oil pressure up,,, this can also overwork the pump,, causing the gear to loosen, overstessing the cam in its bearings, and possibly wiggling the cam gear loose,,,, Id pull the head and pan off, and the timing cover and have a closer look. JMHO