do you mean the camshaft drives the distributor and the distributor drives the oil pump? The way I am reading it, you make is sound like the oil pump is driven by the camshaft, and then the oil pump drives the distributor. I know most engines use the camshaft to drive the distributor, and then there is usually a square or hex drive on teh bottom of the distributor drive shaft that drives the oil pump. I wasn't sure if this engine is hte same way or not. to the other posters: yeah, I kind of figured that 30 minutes wasn't a great deal of time. I posted kinda sloppy the first time. I let it sit over night with the spark plugs back in. when I was trying to turn it over the first time, I did have the spark plugs out of the holes. I also hit everything I could with PB Blaster. It's raining pretty good here, so I am going to wait until tomorrow to go play with it some more. It is sitting out in the weather, since they needed the shed space for their new combine. I got an 1 1/2" socket to try out on the crank puley.