I have used a 574 and it is a slick loader tractor, that left-hand F-N-R shifter lets you keep control of the loader with your right. You do sit down pretty low in it, but that seems more of a problem with a trailing implement like a hay baler. The real problem with the seating position is HEAT. When moving snow or feeding cattle in the winter it is a bonus, but take it out in the hayfield at 80+ degrees, and you will be wishing you were somewhere else. You are sitting down there, tucked in between the loader frame, the fenders, and the saddle tank, and there is no airflow past you except directly from the engine. Meanwhile the transmission underneath you is cranking out the BTUs, and under the left foot plate is the muffler. It adds up to a pretty warm environment. Another minor annoyance is the remote hydraulic control, you have to bend down to reach it. If you are used to dropping your hand right onto the handle, it will really bug you. If the loader runs from the remotes, rather than having its own valve, it can get really uncomfortable to operate. The newer models have extended handles for the remote, and I have seen some home made extensions on the 74's. It depends on what your main use for the tractor is, for a dedicated loader and chore tractor I would recommend it, for summer field work no.