Jimer: The other have good ideas, however a Utility type tractor can be done and be effective for very little money. Just run about 3' wide material (preferably cavvass) back each side from side of grill to middle of fenders, then place one across the top so heat can't escape upward until it gets to you. Make provission for rolling this material back from grill. It will get too hot in the seat anywhere above 10F. I used to do this with Farmalls, however the cheapy is much more effective on a utility, as your sitting lower. Having said all of this, a Heat Houser for a utility is probably a lot less money than for a farmall. I remember once, spending the extra money for and official heat houser complete with plexi glass windshield and a canvass flap one could close behind him. This was a Farmall 300, and the first provission we had to add for plowing snow was a place to put your gloves or mittens. Basically, plowing snow bare handed down to 0 or -10F, plus one was warm in there. They have one downfall if it's snowing, heat melts all the snow coming in from the top, thus you can get quite wet, if your out there long.