I don't know of anyone selling new front rims for the AV with the stilts attached. If you have the old rims (mine were 3" X 19") you could buy a new set of rims for a Ford N series, or for a small Allis and reuse the center stilts from your old rims. I did this to mine two or three years ago. They may not be "Tractor Police" correct, but they turned out alright, work very well, and don't look bad. I used 3/8" X 1" Stainless Steel Carriage bolts (with the head of the bolt installed so they are on the inside of the rim) and lock washers and nuts on top of the stilts to hold them in place on the rim. I bolted the stilts to the front hub and thightened them up lightly, so I could center the stilts to the new rims, and mark the areas where the rims needed to be drilled. The 1" long bolt worked fine, the bolt did not stick out past the nut more than two or three threads when tightened up. I did peen the bolts over when finished. They have not worked loose since they were installed.