I may be wrong, but I belive that the valve that Wardner is showing limits the pressure going to the steering motor to be set to operate at around 1,000psi, any psi rating much higher than that may bust/rupture the steering motor. This valve is listed & shown in one of my Behlen Power Steering Manuals. I don't know if a new one can be bought or not. Behlen did make a pump that was used for their power steering units. It is a #201. It is rated at 3.25gpm, and set to operate at about 1,000psi. This info also is listed in the manual. My dad and I put a Char-Lynn motor on a Super M that was equipped with a factory pump about 5 or 6 years ago (your SMTA should be about the same). He installed a "Adjustable Flow Control Valve" set to operate at 3 or 4gpm, lile this one:
 He then installed a "In-Line Hydraulic Relief Valve" beyond/after the flow valve on the line going to the steering motor to control the pressure it received. It has three ports. #1 is for the incomming oil, #2 goes to the steering motor, #3 is a return line that allows the oil that is over the set limts to return to the holding tank. It looks something like this one: 
Dad has since passed, but that setup has worked great since we installed it. Sure wish I had paid more attention to everyday things he tried to teach or show me. The bracket Wardner shows was also made by Behlen, but you may be able to make one up. I have one that dad made for the setup for my H. I can try to get some pictures of it if you would like and post them for you tomorrow. A link to the hydraulic valves Norhtern sells is below: Maybe this info can help you in some way.