Jim: How much more than you stated do you know about this gear box. I can see it has to have what looks like a high clear front axle, that being determined by the drive line step up created by the creeper gear box. The problem as I see it, and I know of at least 3 other creeper gear boxes, that reduce speeds between transmission and clutch. We have been made aware of the gear box conversion for Auburn Trencher, which takes an external pto from the gear box under the platform, however K-Mo has never came back and told us if it is 540 pto. The 2 speed optional gear box from a 404 will also do the same as this gear box, although it may require the torque tube from a 404. About 4 years ago there was a guy posted a photo of a cylinder type device he took out of a Super A. It fits right in the torque tube and gives two speeds. Now, we have this one described as a creeper in between transmission and torque tube. Unless I can be convinced otherwise, there is one major problem with all three of these, that being they all reduce PTO speed in Creeper Gear. Basically all non useful items in my book, since the mid 1930s 540 PTO is a standard we we live by. Then we have Hydra Creeper with which renders the PTO non usable during it's operation. I posted the photo of what turned out to be a Ray Bock Equipment Creeper Gear. Although a couple of folks were able to identify, one of them even knowing of an operating Bock gear box on a 140. He has yet to come back and tell us more, and believe me I did ask more in a personal e mail. I get just a we bit out of sorts, folks keep posting these devices, yet they never complete the REST OF THE STORY. I guess we'll have to give it to Paul Harvey. Better still I may just build my own gear box, however it will be a completely redesigned torque tube giving creeper and fully Independant PTO.