Paul: I doubt if the engine numbers are consecutive, the figures I quoted were as of July 54. The first 100 and 200 tractors came in Nov. 54, thus I would assume the 1,957 Super A1 plus a number of Super C were built between July and Nov 54 and both were drawing from the supply of FCM engines. These figures I have are not declared as first or final production numbers for a given tractor, but rather a random tally of which engine went into a given tractor. There are other factors with these SA1, and I starting to believe they were built from left overs. I'll give you some figures to chew on, and these only have year and month. July 54 Super A, serial 355639 engine serial FAAM 357449. That was not the last Super A, last one had serial 355679, no engine number given. Also in July Super C tractor serial 195652 engine serial FCM 204642, Super A1 tractor serial 356001 engine serial FCM 206628. They don't say when the last SC was built, however looking at these figures for July 1,986 engine numbers separate SC at that time and the first SA1. Could it be those 1,986 engines were set aside for SC, and indeed SA1 tractors do have a sequence of consecutive engine numbers. We do know that in all these tractors engine numbers climbed at a higher rate than tractor numbers. Some have suggested it was engines going for other uses, I question that, IH sold too many stationary, baler and combine engines for those numbers to be accurate. Then we move ahead to Nov 54, 100, 200 and I100 each started at tractor serial number 501, 100 getting engine 572, 200 getting engine 663 and I100 getting engine 976. Right off we have 71 engines that went somewhere, could it be SA1 or SC. I'm going to get busy here, will address the other thread on serial number placement later