I've been fighting the same thing after numerous take aparts with mine on a c-263. I hope it is fixed now. When you take it off, shake it to see if you hear the float going up and down. The gasket can hang up the float like he said. One or the other sides of the float could be bent where it catches on the inside or outside of the interior of the carb. I had to replace a needle and jet because the with first one I adjusted the float with the needle in the seat and the pushing of the needle into the seat during the adjustment made it stick all the time. There is some type of black fiber stuff on the needle tip and anti-seize wouldn't keep it from sticking. I also found that over years of use, the place in the float where the needle rides had created a slight indention into the soft float metal so with the float properly adjusted at 1 5/16" it wouldn't push the jet all the way up and shut off. So far, and I hope it keeps working, instead of spending $41 for a float, I tried to flatten out the depression a little bit with a punch on a flat surface. I didn't get it all out so I adjusted the float to 1/16" over to 1 3/8". By the way, on mine and probably the one Red is talking about, you measure from the top edge of the throttle body to the bottom of the float to adjust it. You do this with the float hooked up and then turn over the throttle body upside down. The more you add to the 1 5/16" setting actually lowers the float in the bowl so that should make it less prone to flood, but on the other hand it could cause some fuel starvation possibly. hope this helps