From what I encounter, it is hard to find something made in Japan anymore, seems all Chinese or India to me. Not that it matters, it still is junk. But you gotta admit, we did it to ourselves. Too high of Union wages Frivilous lawsuits American workers claiming disability for a hangnail. Taxes out the yazooo OSHA, DNR, FDA, EPA, Etc., Etc. Onerous enviourmental laws Permits, licenses, fees for everything. A corporation is in business to make a profit, pure and simple. Profit is not a bad word. All of the above items I mentioned adds to the corporations cost. They can move to china or india and not have any of this crap. Many of these things were well intentioned, but have gone overboard and it has ran our business out of the country. I dont like it, but we did it to ourselves by electing the people who passed the rules. I'll get off my soapbox now. sorry, I do like your idea of a Made in USA section. Gene