Hi, I'm still troubleshooting my system to see why my power steering doesn't work but the loader and hoe work ok. I've posted before on this. One thing I was told from an earlier post was to pull off that plate under the seat and underneath is a check valve or something that can plug up and to clean it.I finally got the plate off under the seat today. Found it full of crappy looking milky fluid. Dipped out about 1 1/2 gals of hy-tran along with about a half inch of sludge on the bottom. This is the draft control housing but my industrial tractor has no draft control. Anyway I cleaned out the fluid and wiped out the sludge. In the back of the compartment is a round changing to rectangular tube that goes up and I believe that is the oil drain. Do I really need it? I've seen in other posts where it may not be needed if we are talking about the same thing. Or should I leave it to keep sludge out of the system? The tube screws into a hole that is recessed a little lower than the rest of the housing so removing the tube would allow any sludge that collects to dump down below on the rear end. Maybe another option would be to cutoff all but an inch or so. You guys tell me. In the front towards the right of center (looking from the rear) there is an approx 1 1/2" open hole in the casting that sits up about an 1/2" or so which is where the fluid comes in. I briefly started it to see what would happen. The fluid did not really have any pressure on it. On the left front in the corner there is a tall hex bull plug a few inches long that is screwed in. Don't know what this does. On the right front in the corner there is an approx 3/4" nut with a open hole and a spring under it. What is this and should I take it apart to check it? Just behind that nut along the right side is about a 4" long flange that looks like a long rod or main bearing cap. The parts diagram calls it a hyd. diverting flange. Guess I'll open it up to see if anything is plugged. Probably hooked to it is a block on the right side of the housing by the front where the main psi line comes in from the pumps and flow divider valve and one from the loader valve assembly as well as some type of large return line from the loader/hoe which is basically held on with a hose clamp. Should I just pull this all apart and clean it? Also on the front of the housing towards the right of center and about even with that inlet hole (in the housing) is a block where the line coming from the oil cooler is. This line is the pressure relief line coming from the power steering also. Guess I'll remove and clean it. I wan't to remove it and run it to see if it is under any psi. I just wanted to ask here in case I do something wrong, or not do something I was supposed to before it is put back together, or just to see if someone has done this before and has some helpful advice. Thanks. Anyway I'll post back with what happened.