Duanes - If your 400 has have a Delco internally-regulated alternator procede as below. (Otherwise just disregard....!) 1 - Take voltage readings at the following points (all voltages measured to ground): ---- The large post ("BAT") terminal - should read battery voltage. Now pull the auxiliary wiring connector from the alternator and take readings at the connector. With the ign switch "off" you should see 0 volts at #1 and battery voltage at #2. With the ignition switch "on" you should see battery voltage at BOTH terminals. If you don't get the above results the alt is wired wrong, or there's an open diode (or blown indicator lamp if equipped) in the #1 circuit. ---- 2 - If wiring checks out OK, next test the alternator: Start and run the engine at about 1/2 throttle. Now with an assistant observing the ammeter, find the "D" shaped hole in the back of the alt (photo above...), take a small screwdriver poke it into the hole until it touches the metal test tab inside then ground the side of the screwdriver against the metal case. If the ammeter indicates full charge with the test tab grounded, the internal regulator is bad and needs to be replaced. However if there's still no charge the alternator is N.G. - time for a replacement! Hope this helps...