I know my little NAPA store here doesn't hardly stock anything and especially for tractors. When I went looking for a coil, they couldn't find one. Luckily someone on this site posted a Napa # for which they could order in. They had to order in the sparkplugs I wanted. Nothing shows up on their computer. They had 10' of catalogs lined up in a row but nobody wanted to go look through them. I offered to do it for them. Alot of you guys mention napa for o-rings. When I asked about cross referencing orings, they just said they had a bunch of orings in a display case and they just match them up best they can. Having just gotten some orings from caseih, I know they are sized by thickness and inside diameter and then outside diameter which is the ID plus 2 times the thickness. With the smashed and broken orings I had, there was no way by looking that you could figure out the size and especialy the thickness or by comparing them to some orings on a rack. Only good thing is that the for "some" orings, the caseih website parts list does list the size. Similar problem for a hyd. filter just ordered from caseih. $15 plus $5 for shipping since they did not stock it. It had to come from Missouri. They don't stock much for old tractors. I'll look at the napa website to see if they have it. But when I had asked the napa guy about ordering me a 11/32" points wrench, he said it would come from another state and that would add $7 shipping. Here I thought these parts houses regularly run trucks and shipping should be included. I know a chevy dealer charged me shipping for a part coming from their Denver warehouse on a regular daily truck run. If I have to pay shipping all the time plus the gas to get them, maybe internet parts may be better even if it takes longer but it at least comes to the house. This is the end of my rant for the day.