DLJ: Someone may have been using it to split a drill to drop seed potatoes, bulbs, etc. I do this, then reverse the disks to cover the seed. For dropping my seed potatoes, I use a basket full of seed tied to my waste, and a 4" sewer tube made up like a walking stick to drop the potato seed down so thay don't bounce out of place. I once had 4 guys helping me, 3 with baskets and sewer tubes, the 4th guy was supplying the others with seed from truck. They kept me busy opening drills, then switching my disks to cover the seed. We planted 3 acres of potatoes in 3 hours. With bulbs like gladoli, my good better half insists we place those by hand, no sewer tubes allowed. I also have single disk, grain drill disks made up to use as rolling crop shields on the first cultivation of small vegetables. I have those set about 4" apart at front and 8" at back, thus they throw soil away from small plants. I find cultivator shanks would bury small plants. I have 3 sets of these thus I can do 3, 16" rows of small crops at once. My 140 cultivators are not original, I have a tool bar from side to side for narrow rows of small vegetables. With the potatoes and bulbs, I use the conventional SA one row cultivator, doing 48" rows. I use the tool bar at planting time in potatoes when I don't need crop clearence.