02-06-2008 21:10:50
Re: IH 856 in reply to C. Burnett, 02-06-2008 16:40:05
Burnett, My 856 custom is getting close to 17,000 hrs. The engine had a complete rebuild at about 12,000. Sleeves, pistons, bearings, valve seats, camshaft and folowers. The crankshaft was still perfect. I think they are one of the best and most economical tractors made. There should be no smoke without a load and not heavy smoke under load, if in good shape very little if anything from the breather. They will use oil under load but very little without. The water pump lasts about 6,000 hours. The injection pump govenor needs to be rebuilt about every 7,000, my injection pump itself has never been replaced. The oil lines around the oil pump and cooler are prone to leaks but are fixed with new O-rings. If in good condition they will start down into the 20,s with out any help, below that plug it in I don't use ether. The factory TA made 13,000 hours but be sure to check those out good. Mine is on its 3rd clutch and pto-hyd. drive shaft. If possible check the hyd. filter before buying, it will be a good indicator. My power steering pump has been replaced, the main pump is original. It is on it's fifth set of rear tires, 18.4-38, wedge-lock wheels are best. If you use duals axle mount are best. Wear on the clutch and break pedals along with sideways play are a good indictor. Look for play in the shifting levers, it can be fixed but indicates maintance, if clutch and TA are in good shape and properly adjusted it will shift easily with 2 fingers. The plastic on my steering wheel is getting very thin. Good luck, Chuck