Tom, To add to that already said: IH produced at least two different electrical systems within the same time frame (both shown & described in the same owner's manual).One had a magneto ignition with generator, cutout relay, and four-position switch (L-H-D-B) low charge, high charge, dim lights, bright lights. Two resistors on back of switch - one for dim lights, the other for low charge. The switch mounting bracket had to be frame grounded for high and low charge to work (low charge grounded the generator field through the resistor, high charge grounded the generator field direct to frame ground). Ignition switch was a one-terminal grounding switch to 'kill' the magneto. The second system had battery/coil ignition, a 4-terminal voltage regulator (3-terminals on side, one underneath), and a three-position light switch (O-D-B) Off, Dim, Bright. The switch had one resistor for dim lights. Switch mount bracket does not have to be grounded. On this system the voltage regulator's metal base MUST be gounded to work properly. Some units had rubber mounts and a thin braided ground wire which sometimes got broken or left disconnected from under the mounting bolt. Ignition switch was a two-terminal off/on switch.