Update. I took the left side apart tonight. I recently had decided this tractor was a 2606 but after working on the carb and hydraulics I then decided it was a 2656. Well, the brakes didn't match the drawing for the 2656 but actually matched the drawing for the 2606, 606, & 460. It is some type of industrial hybrid so I guess I'll start calling it a 2606 again.(it has no name plate) This one has the external hub that unbolts from the bull pinion bearing retainer which is flat against the rear end housing. There are no shims and just the actuator disc assembly which stayed together in one piece and the 2 brake discs. The 2 brake discs were 6" in diameter and about 9/16" thick. According to the depth of the slots going around the discs on both sides, there is about 1/16" on one and 1/32" of pad left on the other on each side before they would be worn flat. I may go ahead and get new discs but it looks like I could clean the gunk out of the hub, sand the rust off the actuator disc surfaces/rotors and put it back together and use it unless you guys tell me different. Anyone know how thick a new disk is? Karl, no offense taken. I worded my original statement a little wrong. I'm just out here in the snow, mud, and cold and if I drop something it may be lost and it can take a week or two to order parts cause it doesn't seem like anyone stocks very much. Thanks for the help.