Steve: I'm not going to go into possible poor rings, vacume leak, etc. Those one or more items may well be your problem. Oil consumption is also an opinion, how much oil will the tractor use on an 8 hour day? Black or blue smoke mean nothing to me when an engine is cold. What is the compression in each cylinder? If you don't burn more than a quart of oil on an 8 hour day, and if your compression is over 100# each and every cylinder, your engine is fine. I'm running a 130 here with poorer stats, and it will chase the SA damned hard on a cold morning start. You don't need 12 volts to crank that little tractor. You must have poor battery, poor connections, too small cables or starter problems. My Super A has been starting as you describe for at least 35 years. These little engnes equipped with a Carter carb are a tempermental little beast. I never touch my choke until the tractor is cranking, then it's only a quick jab out and back in again. I probably will feather the choke again if necessary to keep it running. Plain and simple you are using too much choke, there lies the reason for the massive discharge of gas. In short, I will challange anyone, to meet on common ground at -30F. I guarentee you, my little 6 volt SA will be up and running with any gasser from anywhere. You just have to learn, not to be so generous with that choke.