Okay, so maybe we have to punt a bit. The parts catalog for my Super C list several heads , but only one number for the head studs. That number is 24 433 D (spaces are the same as in the catalog). Persuasion ought to get your CaseNH guys to just shut up and order it. NAPA might be able to cross it. If NAPA can't do it with the number, they should be able to do it with the specs. The stud will be a better job than the bolt, whcih is my way of saying I think you're doing the right thing by trcking down the stud and adding the bolt to your spare parts collection. Can't tell you why, I just believe they made them that way for a reason that hasn't revealed itself to me yet. So you can go to Carter and Gruenewald with that number (or I saw another supplier mentioned below) and order that part. Or you can slip some nuts of known size over the two ends of your stud and have NAPA or whoever order one of the proper length. Odds are they're the same diameter at both ends, just NC on one end and NF on the other. Or get thee to (I hate to say it) HD or, better yet, a hardware that has all the parts drawers. The will often have a thread gauge. It will be a little card with nuts and bolt ends set into it that you can thread your piece into to verify the diameter and pitch.