Teddy: It might just be interesting to take a poll on that very subject. I've been using D-16 Champions since I was 16, my dad used them before me. I've started them in all kinds of cold weather, never seem to be short of power when around other tractors. Up to 1990 I regularly had them dynoed. Maybe it is southern versus northern gas. I've also thought of another factor, and you no doubt experience the same in MN. We know where the large population centers are. Here if we are getting south, south-west or south-east breeze the sky turns into a blue haze. All it takes is 5 mph northerly breeze, and we have no blue haze, I breath easier, maybe the tractor does also. I do know both tractor and I require oxygen to function. I only ever had chest pains once in my life, that being one morning 8am I-75 just south of I-94 in Detroit, a section of freeway, where it's concrete both sides as high as a truck. Traffic was very slow stop and go. Plain and simple, there was no damn oxygen left down in there. I never let it happen again, NO DETROIT IN RUSH HOUR.