Terry: Are you sure it's a case of rename or is it model change? Does your plow have trip bottoms? The reason I ask is about 10 years ago I had a chance to buy a 1-F-11 and it was the old curved solid beams non trip, with GP bottoms. I didn't buy it for a couple of reasons, first it had non trip curved beams, and secondly I'd have had to buy the 140 complete with snow blade, plow, disk and 22 mower. We just couldn't agree on a price and he didn't want to split them. I think I have seen the same basic roll design with the two piece trip beam and Super Chief bottoms. Seem to remember a photo from somewhere. Same basic designed trip beam as on Nos. 60, 540, 510, etc. I was always of the opinion the trip beam plow was a 101. I'm not certain of this, however would like to be, as I'm still looking for a 1 point fast hitch roll over trip beam with Super Chief bottoms. I know the regular 2x12 and 2x14 plows did change to trip beam with Super Chief bottoms, thus it's reasonable to think the roll over changed as well. If your plow is trip beam, could you send me a photo. Not many folks were plowing much with 140s by the mid 60s and into the 70s, thus I suspect there are not a lot of one point roll over trip beam plows around. I may have to build one, I do have a fast hitch fork and know where there are some trip beams, both left and right and with 16" Super Chief bottoms.