Thanks for all of the input guys, I'll let you know what I find out. It's going to have to be a low price for us to go for it, but we'll see. The up side is our tractors set still almost all winter since we only do hay, leaves us plenty of time for big projects. I wasn't aware that the 1066 was going to be overwidth to haul, but I'll have to look into it. We do know a couple of guys who run trucks back and forth between FL and NY, so finding a hauler wouldn't be too hard, but the permits might be a sticking point. I'm assuming it is the rear axles that put it overwidth? The tires themselves should be able to be moved in correct? On the other hand, we bought a 4020 down there several years ago that had been used in a citrus grove and the people had cut the bar axles off shorter to not interfere with the trees. Have to see what it is when I get there. As far as using a 1066 on our hay farm, the main reason we're looking at that big a tractor is for refitting the fields (plowing, discing, etc.). We would also probably use it as a loader tractor to handle a bale grab (we run a New Holland stacker wagon). Plus with the HP requirements of todays discbines going up, our ford 5000 and IH 784 just aren't enough. This 1066 might be a nice upgrade from the JD 4020, but we'll see what we find. Thanks agian, Josh in WNY