Oh, I dunno. Sometimes the angles that one has to grab at makes all the difference in the world as to "how heavy" something is, especially as viewed from the vantage point of the loader. Seems like the heaviest loads are always when something is coming off a trailer because you're reaching across to grab it. Still and all and like you say, if there is a problem pulling it's own steering system, something is a bit amiss for sure. TV and I go round and round on this all the time, but on a 40/50-year-old tractor, the first thing I suspect is the pump because it is the wear point. The "wide open throttle" thing is kinda indicative of this. However, since you say it lifts fine and then "squeals" when it stops lifting, oil is by-passing somewhere and it just sounds to me as though you've either hit the capability of your loader or the hydraulic system is certainly bottoming out, whatever the cause, be it PR valve or the pump. I'd be for looking at the steering problem first and worrying about the loader last. Betcha one will cure the other. Just my opinion, Allan