Free Fergie huh? Lucky man. Do you mean a TO20, or a TO30? First off, buy a shop manual - the drawings and illustrations will help decipher some of what we say . . . and will also help you to understand these amazing tractors. Is there sufficient oil in the transmission? Use the dipstick on RH side rear transmission (under the seat) to check. Is it oil in there or a nasty milky oil/water mixture? If you have oil in sufficient quantity/quality would suspect that if your PTO is working, then the control forks have come disconnected from the control valve inside the rear axle, on the hydraulic pump, or that the control valve is stuck - simple enough fix - no need to dismantle the tractor. You will need to use all three hands though. It could also be that you have a chronic leak on the lift piston - does the three point hitch lift with no weight on it all? If so, suspect major leak and prepare to remove top cover - carefully, after disconnecting the control valve from the control forks. If no lift, suspect valve disconnected. If the problem is not a disconnected control valve, then you could be looking at more serious stuff, eg broken pump due to freezing of water in bottom of trans casing. Pump rebuild kits are available, but the pump case will need to come from a breakers yard. Start with the manuals - they will save you their value many times over, and provide excellent bedtime reading(!) Welcome to the wonderful world of Ferguson.