09-13-2004 13:05:20
Re: to-20, 3-point lift wont stay still !!! in reply to Bernie in Arizona, 09-13-2004 07:54:14
bernie, check under the seat to the right of the seat mount. see if there is a little lever about 2" tall. if it has this lever, it has position control, if it does not, then it won't. reason i ask,is my father has a 8n 1950 which has position control. i found that if i just use the lift lever only with something light as a scraper blade,or similar. you have to chase the lever, with position control, it like puts the lever in fine tune mode. then allows you to control the lift better.i dont remember seeing this lever on older tractors. another thing you might check is, on the back of your tractor, where you attach the upper link to the tractor, there should be two or three positions you can attach the upper link too. the higher away from the pivot you set your upper link makes your blade more sensitive to the ground,experimenting with this position might improve your blades reaction to the inputs. one more thing. does your lift settle over night? if so it might be an indicator that the "o"ring on the lift piston might leak a little pressure, which will also cause erratic behaveour and since the hydraulic pump is a piston type pump instead of a vane pump it doesnt supply a contant pressure to the piston, we corrected my fathers by machining two more grooves in the piston and added two more "o" rings. holds pressure alot better, and took most of the "knock" out of the hydraulics. but this fix might not improve the lift can email me if you have more questions about this topic. i do understand how the draft control works.