If I was to look for one with these repairs I still might get one with yet another problem. If I do the work myself I will know it is done correct and will not come back to haunt me. I have found that my procrastination seems to be directly related to amount of effort and reward....grin. The easy parts are a breeze. The hard parts are a breeze the long term ones seem to be the ones that I procrastinate on. I am not proud of my patience. I like instant gratification.... I do not have enough money to spend several thousand dollars on a newer tractor nor do I have the patience for the long term project. I can handle three or four day repair projects but that is about my limit of interest... I have found it is best to be honest with oneself as well when it comes to buying something that is the proverbial deal.... If it would have had a blade with it I would have bought it for sure. Since my need is greater in that area....grin Now I read that this 3 point will drif and require constant attention or yet another expense of a controller... How reliable is this model once I take care of these basic repairs. Also any idea as to how much parts money I will spend on the 3 point pump repairs and the axel seal? The axel seal scared me when I read tht one fella spent 1000.00 on having both of his done. I am hoping that was labor and materials????