Bill, to spin freely on a bench takes tons less current then if shes trying to crank the engine. When you speak of jumping it, I guess youre using big heavy jumper cables right???? Cuz she sure wouldnt crank the engine using only light gauge wire and the wire could get hot n burn up. To crank the engine you need like No. 4 at a minimum, but better 0 or even 00 gauge battery n starter n ground cables. If in doubt as to cable terminations and ends and connections, I would remove,,,,, ,,,clean n wire brush,,,,, ,, n reattach each n every battery n starter n ground cable, and its best to ground to a good heavy solid frame member versus any rusty tin seat or battery boxes etc etc. If it has an electric starter solenoid that you can safely get access to, you can try by passing the solenoid and jumping direct to the starter or starter side of the solenoid, but use caution thats a high current possibly arcing connection. Is it spinnign at all????? or does it sound like it engages the flywheel teeth but then cant crank the engine or does it do anything???? If it uses an electric solenoid, is it receiving activating voltage on its lil S terminal and can you hear the solenoid kicking in??? In case the start switch is bad and isnt sending voltahe to a solenoids lil S activation terminal, try jumping a hot wire to it n see if the solenoid pulls in????? Sorry, I just need to know more to help you out. John T, retired electrical engineer