Got a carb. kit mfg. by Tisco. After I took the carb. apart and began comparing pieces of my carb. and what was in the kit several pieces were not the same.Throttle shaft in my kit was longer by at least 1/8' over what was in the original carb. Felt dust shield for new shaft was so thick that throttle plate could not be inserted home even when compressing dust shield. Old shaft had a slight clock-wise twist to allow better alignment with governor rod, new didn't. Main Jet in kit had 2 sets of threads one about a 1/3 way below the nut and a second set at the bottom of the jet below the last set of holes. The main jet in the carb has only one set of threads directly below the nut. Every thing else fits. Question what model of Marvel do if have? There is no TSX 458 anywhere on the carb. There are the following numbers: Carb. top outside under throttle shaft a cast in G, right side of fuel inlet cast in 27, underside of top cast in 227-12C or 0, Top of bowl stamped in smooth surface what looks like A585 near venturi, bottom of bowl ouside cast in 10A 355, near choke shaft on bottom of bowl cast in 1. Does any one know What model marvel I may have? I don't want to question Tisco until I know what I have for sure. Any help in sorting this out would be greatly appreciated.