Hi Bob, Standard Motor Company in Coventry made Aero engines during world war two. When they started to build the TE 20 series tractors they did not have an engine ready for the tractor, and used the Continental engine. In about sept. 1947 their own Standard engine was ready, and they started to use it in the tractors. The engine used in cars that you refer to, is not "the" tractor engine, but share some of the parts, but not the block. The block on the car engine can not be used on the tractor engine. Among the differencies is that the starter motor on the tractor sits on the left side, while the car engine had it on the right side. Also, the car engine had the oil filler cap on the top of the valve cover and had no whole in the rear of the left side of the block to mount the oil filler pipe and cap. But, they look so much alike that you will have no trouble seeing that they are of the same family. Maybe there are other differencies too. As far as I know it is the same company that built both engines. I assume the Vanguard van was also a Standard product, with maybe the same type of engine. But maybe someone else can share some light over that. Bill