If your generator"s working, you should measure about 1 volt above the battery"s nominal voltage (Just after start up)and the ammeter should show some charge current. The starter switch may need adjustment or it"s contacts may be arced and corroded making for poor contact. A replacement switch is available and you"ll need instructions on how to replace it. Jeff(OH) just showed some pictures of the replacement he did a couple of weeks ago so look in the archives. There is no position control for the TO"s unless you a) buy, or b) make a unit. Jeff(OH) has the plans and you can see the device in Parts and Pieces on the left. The cheaper method is to use a method reported my marlowe and available in the archives of this forum.Excesive fuel burn could be caused by many things: incorrect timing, fouled plugs,low compression(worn rings),no thermostat or thermostat failed open, or wrong thermostat, buned valves(low compression again) or misadjusted valves, dirty aircleaner restrictiting the airflow and thus the power, wrong carburetor adjustment, dragging brakes, overloading the tractor, etc.