: : : My 860 has been sitting for a while (inside a garage). : : Yesterday, I went out to use it and when I tried to put : : it in gear after I started it, it would not go into any gear. : : All I get is the grinding noise you would expect if you did : : not depress the clutch. With the clutch fully depressed, the : : PTO stops turning, as normal.: : Is the clutch stuck? If so, is there any way to free it without : : taking the tractor apart? : : Thanks in advance, : : Bill : I have been lucky not to experience this myself. However, there have been many postings on this subject on the Ford N Board. Check there and in their archives. There have been some good suggestions that did not require you to tear the tractor apart. My '53 Golden Jubilee was bought with a "stuck clutch". I removed the spark plugs & the starter, then I put the PTO in gear. I squirted some penetrating oil ("liquid wrench", "knocker loose " or some such) into the starter hole - using the tube to direct it onto the clutch. I turned the motor/clutch 1/4 turn & did it again & again until I figured I had the clutch soaked. (turned the thing with the OUTPUT of the pto shaft, NEVER started the motor) I then put the tractor in gear & "popped" (twisted) the pto shaft. It broke loose the 1st time, but you may have to allow the penetrating oil to sit a minute. It did not break loose with the previously mentioned method of using the brake. I also tried bumping into a tree in 1st gear, but that didn't work either. So I "twisted bolts".