Beth, I would strongly suggest that you get both the service and parts manuals for the thousand series tractors. I got mine at the FNH dealer for about $70 each several years ago. Think they are also available from the board sponsors. The service manual will be especially useful for all work on your "project". AND I would say it is a MUST since you have an SOS tranny. Trained SOS mechanics are getting to retirement stage. A quick look at my parts manual shows that the SOS tranny case does NOT have any engine call out across the 2,3,4000 tractors. Also the rear cover on both the gas and diesel engines is the exact part number - this would be where the tranny bolts up to the engine. So I'd have to guess that there is no difference in the mechanical hookup. You might have some differences in the electrical and fuel areas. I have ask, why do you want to change to diesel from gas? Is there something wrong with the gas engine that can't be fixed? I picked up the whole back end of a 3000 that had been rolled for the differential lock. A 4000 engine would fit right up to it. :-) NNAaaah, I'd have to find all the sheet metal, etc. and I already have TOO many "Projects" lined up for my retirement. HTH, Larry