I am a very happy fella, I just bought this older Ford Super Major Diesel Tractor. It still has some original paint (as can be seen in the pictures) and is in the Dagenham blue and Ford gray color scheme. I know very little about this tractor, except the serial number which the dealer say reads "01054" and the dealer believes it is about a 1961 model year. I was not able to personally inspect the tractor, (as I am about 2,000 miles distant) but I do trust the dealer (Purinton's of Lockwood Missouri). I will be using it on a small place (about 20 level acres of perminant pasture) for odd jobs, not too distant from the dealer. I paid $2,500 for the unit, and will pick it up in a month or so. If someone wishes, they may add these pictures to your forum's picture folder. The paint, though batered, is original. I have read all the posts in the forum's history about this model. Is there any web site devoted exclusively to this model and this approximate vintage? Thanks! Bill Feldman