Starting Fri.PM set up, Sat is main event, Stay Sun if you wish. Rough camping available. Bring parts, bring whole tractor-for show or sale. Bring photos, & stories!!FOOD Sat. AM-coffee, Muffins,etc. Lunch-sandwichs, hot dogs & burgers, etc.5:30PM roast beef & roast turkey-full meal-serving @ 5:30 for convenience of travellers from a distance. LADIES welcome, please email #s attending if possible. At present we have about 10 from a distance and about 15 local people who are attending. Our Athens Lions Club is now co-sponsoring the event.The location is at the farm of Burt and Kathryn Hudson, a hillside setting with century house and barns. HOW TO REACH US: Athens Ontario-3/4 mi. south of Athens on County Road 5, House #219. DIRECTIONS:From West: From 401 take Mallorytown exit (#675) take County Road 5 North 12 miles to the farm. From East: Use above directions OR take exit 696 at Brockville(County Road 29) North appr.6-7 mi. to County Road 42. Turn left to Athens and proceed to Athens(appr.6 mi.) In Athens, take 3rd left turn (County Road 5) at Petrocan Service Station, Proceed 3/4 mi. south to farm. From North: Take County Road 29 south from Smiths Falls appr. 18 mi. to Addison. Turn right onto County Road 30 appr.4 Athens. FROM US: 181 north to 1000 Island Bridge, take 137 to 401 and go east 10 miles to exit 675 (Mallorytown) County Road 5 North 12 Mile to the farm. We now have about 45 Ford tractors (1939-1964), including a Funk 6-cylinder, an 8N flathead V8, Sherman backhoe, Sherman forklift, several plows and other pieces of equipment already committed to be at the site. DON'T MISS IT!!!! SWAP MEET: We have a promise of at least 2 complete tractors and several parts and much more.