hi Anne, Two John Deere plastic model kits are available at Consumer Tractor. Click the link at the bottom of this post, then follow the 'toy' and 'model kit' links at the website. Any John Deere dealer should be able to order these same two kits. 'Buffalo Road Imports' has metal tractor and construction machinery kits. Metal kits require painting and take longer to build than plastic kits. They're realistic, though, and should be satisfying to build. E-mail bri@toyline.com or call 716-759-7451. There are many replica model tractors available, but kits seem to be rare. Military model kits of tanks and trucks are available in great variety, and might be a good substitute for tractors (tanks are like tractors). Wood model kits of Old West wagons, such as stagecoaches and prairie schooners, might be of interest. 'Trails West of Oregon' has wood models. The e-mail is ricktodd@woodkits.com.htm Hobby shops should be a good source. Look in a big-city yellow pages under 'model and hobby shops.' A hobby shop may not have what you want, but should have source catalogs. regards, George