I bale with a Hesston 5580 Rounder maxed out for the highest density 5x6 bales (3 tension springs per side rather than 2). Bale weight is around 1500 lbs but depends on moisture content of the hay during bailing. I have Ford 2,3,and 4000 series tractors but would not attempt to pull it with any of them. I use an 80 hp JD and even with that, when the bail is in the last stages of filling up, you can hear the engine start to lug. I live in gently rolling hills and bale haygrazer which is like corn but leaves are a lot thinner....and no my JD doesn't need to be overhauled.....I'd put it's looks and performance against anyone's..... except a show tractor.....my paint is not perfect....but I do love my Fords.....they are so handy around the place, simple to fix, dealer down the road who normally has any parts I might need, and they just keep on running. Additionally, I like sitting higher up to see better, and more iron under me to insure that the tractor, not the baler, is in charge. My 2c. Mark